Friday, February 1, 2013

India 12; Rishikesh; Mr. Fantastic Boombastic

" Fantastic Boombastic Mr. Lova Lova mmmmmm." I could always count on the local convenience store owner, who I'll call Mr.Fantastic, to give me a good laugh. Mr.Fantastic is notorious in Rishikesh. He takes genkiness (the Japanese word for happy/energy) to an uncharted level. Everything is not just fantastic, it's "fantastic boombastic Mr. Lova Lova mmmmm".....everything. You've gotta wonder when what it was like when he heard that song and decided to make it his life motto. He has the same daily routine, right down to sucking in 8 almonds every morning) which he never tired of telling or demonstrating. I think he was on the prowl for a wife because he invited me (begged) for lunch with his mom every day. It's good to know that if I become desperate I can always go to India and become Mrs. Fantastic Boombastic.

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